Colpitt, Frances. “Lorser Feitelson: The Late Paintings.” Lorser Feitelson: The Late Paintings. Louis Stern Fine Arts, exhibition catalogue. West Hollywood: Louis Stern Fine Arts, 2009, pp. 8-10.
Duncan, Michael, “Lorser Feitelson’s Hard Edge Abstraction.” Lorser Feitelson and the Invention of Hard Edge Painting 1945-1965. Louis Stern Fine Arts, exhibition catalogue. West Hollywood: Louis Stern Fine Arts, 2003, pp. 17-22.
Feitelson, Lorser. Interview conducted by Fidel Danieli, Oral History Porgram. University of California, Los Angeles 1974.
Feitelson, Lorser. Interview conducted by Betty Hoag. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution,12 May and 9 June 1964, 17 March 1965: microfilm 3419.
Hopkins, Henry T. “Lorser Feitelson: An Appreciation.” Lorser Feitelson and the Invention of Hard Edge Painting 1945-1965. Louis Stern Fine Arts, exhibition catalogue. West Hollywood: Louis Stern Fine Arts, 2003, pp. 13-14.
Lorser. [Motion Picture]. Los Angeles: David O. Pfiel, 1972.
Lorser Feitelson Papers. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Moran, Diane Degasis. “Lorser Feitelson.” Lorser Feitelson and Helen Lundeberg. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, exhibition catalogue. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1980, pp. 8-22.
Moran, Diane Degasis. "Lorser Feitelson: eternal recurrence." L. Feitelson & H. Lundeberg Art Foundation, 2014.
Moran, Diane Degasis. “The Paintings of Lorser Feitelson.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia, 1979.
Moran, Diane Degasis. “Three analytical essays on some early works of Lorser Feitelson, ca. 1920.” L. Feitelson & H.L. Feitelson Arts Foundation, 1981.
Selz, Peter. “The Kinetic Works by Lorser Feitelson.” Lorser Feitelson: The Kinetic Series, Works From 1916-1923. Louis Stern Fine Arts, exhibition catalogue. West Hollywood: Louis Stern Fine Arts, 2005, pp. 9-13.